I've been here in Australia now for a week. It has been great and I have learned so much. I can't believe everything that I have learned and all of the people I have already met in the Joint Medical Program. I have observed three PBL tutorials now - two 2nd year sessions and a 1st year session - a lecture, an anatomy lab and a skills training evening with the students. I have met with PBL tutors, a Course Coordinator, all of the senior administrators from both locations of the Joint Medical Program, basic scientists in Medical Sciences and Biological Sciences, admissions experts, visited the Wollotuka Institute for Aboriginal activities at the University of Newcastle, participated in GP Club, attended a retreat for curriculum renewal in Scone and saw some old friends from Nepal. Quite a week!
Next week is packed with lots to do as well and lots to learn. I am meeting with a few groups of 1st and 2nd year students and I think that will be a great opportunity to find out a lot of information for my research and for their curriculum renewal process. Looking forward to it!
Sounds like an awesomely busy start! I love your photos - the chromosome one made me giggle :)